Letter to the Editor: Zingale would make a difference in Olympia



John Zingale has already impacted my family for the better. When he taught my son, he inspired him to take an interest in history, care about his community and believe he could make a difference. I would be honored to have the passion and innovation that John Zingale brings to his career applied to representing our family and community in Olympia as our state house representative. He is committed to helping find workable solutions to our biggest issues in southwest Washington! Mr. Z is committed to fully funding K-12 education, protecting a woman’s right to choose, and tackling challenges like affordable housing, universal health care and high-quality, accessible child care. We would be wholeheartedly supporting Zingale even if his opponent was reasonable, but in this case, John Ley — his opponent — is actually facing criminal election fraud charges and is singularly focused on stopping the desperately needed Interstate 5 bridge replacement.

The choice is between Ley, who allegedly doesn’t even live in the 18th and is pretending to just so he can try to stop the bridge, and Mr. Z — John Zingale, who lives and works in the 18th, is raising a family here and is running because he wants to make southwest Washington a better place for everyone in it. Mr. Z is showing the next generation what it means to lead by example. Please help our family get John Zingale from the classroom to the capitol!

Beth Cooper
