Letter to the Editor: Political left contributes to violence with discourse



I find it a little amusing if it wasn’t so serious. Letter writer complaining about the discourse he had with a MAGA supporter at a gas pump. The discourse against Republicans has been occurring almost non-stop since 1980. President Reagan was shot, and now President Trump has been shot as a result of it due to the hatred and vitriol the left spews across the airways on a daily basis. After years of being accused of wanting women to die, grandma to starve, racist, bigots, far-right Christian fanatics, deplorables, fascist and most recently MAGATS. All of it untrue and understandably considered evil by those being accused. It seems the left is very comfortable in spreading hate simply because we have a different point of view. These tactics are designed to prevent conversation, not engage in it.

You would think the letter writer would have a little understanding why a conservative has become a little sensitive lately? He states he is a Democrat and he loves his country. Well so do Republicans. And we and he have the right to vote for the government we want, of course. And what does he want? He stated he dreams of a woman being the next president. This woman advocates taxing unrealized income and price fixing. Let’s not forget Kamala Harris has had almost four years to secure the border and has failed miserably. Now she wants to run our whole country. Will this letter writer support these ideals just for the sake of wanting a woman as president? This woman wants to unite us and at the same time attacks her opponent who is highly supported by at least half the country as a very dangerous man to our democracy. This is not a uniting message.

Monty Winton

La Center