Letter to the Editor: Benton, not Cortes, has character



I am appalled at the ugly attacks against Brad Benton for his family legacy of stepping forward to serve our community. Don Benton, Brad's dad, was elected by the citizens of Clark County over and over (seven terms). That is a record to be proud of, not soiled with cheap political rhetoric from Cortes and his progressive chronies. Regardless, he retired from elective politics in 2012 to serve America as a presidential appointee, again a record to be proud of, not besmirched by cheap political shots. The younger Benton, a more relevant fact, is no stranger to servant leadership as an Eagle Scout, camp advisor and volunteer football coach. He has always given back to his community. Contrast that with Adrian Cortes who voted himself a pay raise while raising your property taxes six times, causing rents to go up! The truth is right there to look up in the official minutes of the council meetings. This is the same ridiculously liberal Adrian Cortes who stole money from the homeowners association and was forced to give it back to avoid arrest. (it was a story right here in the Reflector.) It is comical to think that anyone with a brain and did the research would vote to trust Cortes with anything, let alone a Senate seat! I am voting for character this year. I am voting for Brad Benton.

Robert Enders
