Letter to the Editor: Fear of opposition should not motivate voting



This election scares me, and it is not only because of the candidates, even though each is scary in his/her own way. I fear for our nation and its future when fear becomes a prime motive for voting. Far too many are voting for a candidate, not because they particularly like the candidate or his/her agenda — in too many cases too many do not even know what that agenda is — but out of fear of the opposition. History has shown that when fear is a primary factor, either religiously or politically, the result is never good. This largely happened in Germany. Hitler's rise to power was supported by the fear of communism and socialism. There were other factors, of course, but fear was a prime motivator in support for Hitler. The Apostle John said there was no fear in love (I John 4). The opposite is also true: There is no love in fear. When fear rules, we have a despot that is more terrifying than any man or woman.

Bruce McClay

Battle Ground