Letter to the Editor: Trump invites chaos, not tranquility



We enjoyed three years of peace. Now he is back and so is the chaos. I feel way more comfortable in the political center, which means that today’s political rhetoric makes me feel like a pickle ball between two paddles.

My TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), which I thought was cured in January 2021, has also returned. TDS is called that because whatever I may hear or read about the former president; this condition causes my view to always be negative.

For instance, when I read that many former administration officials, Republicans who were appointed by him and worked with him in White House, do not want him to be president again, I am forced to believe and agree with them. The same thing happened when I heard that generals and admirals, who are concerned with national security, do not think he should be commander in chief.

The opposite happens when he or his followers call the other party evil godless communists, socialists or worse, which causes me to disbelieve anything they say or write. The same thing happens when he lies about hoaxes (even for a politician his lie totals are very high), and I always know he is lying about witch hunts because I have never even seen a witch (except maybe in movies).

This election year will eventually be over. I have always enjoyed that word in the Constitution — tranquility. I think we could all use some of that. There must have been a real good reason they included “insure domestic tranquility” in the Preamble.

Darrell Anderson

Battle Ground