Help families build the methanol plant


I find the opposition to the Kalama methanol plant appalling. Those opposing this plant are only peddling irrational fear in the guise of saving the environment. They want you to believe that this plant will destroy the Columbia River and maybe even the world. These environmentalists have forgotten that this nation and the state have strict environmental laws enforced by the EPA and the Washington State Department of Ecology. If there is pollution from this proposed plant, the owners and operators face closure, significant monetary fines and, if laws are broken, they face incarceration.

We have watched these environmental zealots move from NIMBY(not in my backyard) to BANANA (build absolutely nothing anywhere near anybody). The horror that natural gas from fracking may be made into a product that can be sold to China and then be made into a recyclable product, plastic, terrifies these people. Nevermind that good paying jobs will be created for families in Kalama and the area, the trade imbalance will be reduced, and the regions industrial base broadened.

President Roosevelt said it best when he said, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself!” Irrational fear is the only thing that those opposing the methanol plant have to offer.