Letter to the Editor: Gas station conversation leaves both sides unhappy



When my doctor suggested that I should socialize more, including talking with strangers on the street, I doubt she was recommending an “intense” conversation with a MAGA supporter while pumping gas.

It began with a complaint about gas prices, a concern we all share, but then devolved into blaming the Democrats. When I asked, “Why do you think that?” His complaint was not about Washington state’s recently instituting the hotly debated cap-and-invest program but because “Democrats hate America.”

I shared with him that, “I am a Democrat, I do not hate America, and I served my country.” My oath to defend the Constitution required me to tell him that, “You are allowed to think and believe as you wish, plus you can vote for the government you want.” I was hoping he would give me the same courtesy. He did not. He left frustrated with me, and his final words were “wake up,” and then he left.

My last words were only to myself, “Maybe I will wake up one day, and a woman will be president.”

Darrell Anderson

Battle Ground