Letter to the Editor: Trump-led country good for public



Barbara Dixon’s letter to the editor on Aug. 28 was correct. Kamala Harris is on record for all those listed facts from 2017 to 2020.

Only now, so near an election, Kamala has flipped on many of these issues. If elected, you can bet she will flop back. She was rated the most liberal senator, even left of socialist Bernie Sanders. This Berkeley-raised Marxist chose a VP that is farther left than she is, revealing her true heart. Gov. Tim Walz honed his skills in China with an unhealthy infatuation for Mao Tse Tung’s “Red Book.”

The gist of this communist playbook is it’s OK to lie, cheat and steal to control the people. Walz did nothing to quell the George Floyd riots while Minneapolis burned. He did close small businesses and churches during COVID while anarchists were free to riot. Kamala’s

“Freedom Fund” then bailed out rioters so they could do it all over again. This was ground zero for the 2020 riots, and both these people failed the nation. They will say and do anything to keep the power under socialist control. It’s as though Democrats are destroying us on purpose. Is this how President Obama realizes his dream to “fundamentally transform America?” Have you not noticed that everything good sways to Democrats and everything bad is blamed on Republicans? If mainstream media can’t spin truth or take it out of context, they will use silent propaganda rather than give former President Trump and Republicans a thumbs up. They must all have a “Red Book.” Democrats don’t know the whole truth, or perhaps they just don’t care. They will follow anyone with a “D” after their name, even communists. The Biden/Harris administration has devastated millions of families with high prices for all goods. “Bidenomics” taxes us for their climate scam and raises inflation, forcing senior citizens to go back to work and others to work multiple jobs. We are not their peons. We are free men and women, patriots, who believe in God, family and a free people’s government. We had three great economic years under Trump before China sent COVID around the world. We had affordable gas, food, dreams of home ownership, lots of jobs, less personal debt, no new wars and a secure border. We had hope. Compared to our last four years of subjugation, the difference in agendas is like day and night. I’ll take the daylight. Perhaps the Democrat base prefers the darkness and a government that has control over every aspect of their lives. Such an oppressive government won’t be easily overthrown for a generation or two. The Democrat party is not what it once was. Make certain of what you want today because you may not have the freedom to change your mind tomorrow. Get informed and vote, while we still can.

Roy Schimelpfenig
