Letter to the Editor: John Ley knows what’s best for 18th District


John Ley is fighting hard to represent the people of the 18th District. He is the regional expert on transportation issues, including tolling, mass transit and the $7.5 billion Interstate Bridge proposal. He wants to deliver value for your tax dollars.

Ley supports all four citizen initiatives on the November ballot.

He knows if you vote yes, you’ll pay less. Far too many local families are having a hard time making ends meet. The initiatives will reduce the cost of gas and diesel fuel by 40 to 50 cents. They will preserve your freedom to use natural gas and propane to heat your homes. They will give you the choice to stay or get out of the long-term care program and payroll tax. He supports the repeal of the capital gains income tax.

More importantly, Ley wants to put parents in control of their children’s education. The state is spending over $18,000 per student. Only half of students meet standards for reading and English proficiency; fewer are proficient in math or science. This is unacceptable. We must put the focus in the classroom. Parents need choices. “Two people know what’s best for a child’s education: the parents,” Ley says.

Property taxes continue to take too much of people’s hard-earned money. Ley believes you can’t have affordable housing when property taxes are unaffordable. He wants to exempt the first $250,000 of valuation from property taxes to make home ownership more affordable.

We must allow our police and sheriff officers to do their jobs. We must demand prosecutors and judges put and keep criminals behind bars. There is too much crime right now, negatively impacting local families and local businesses.

John Ley has aggressively been exposing multiple facets of the hugely flawed Interstate Bridge Replacement project. The $7.5 billion proposal is expected to jump in cost, but they won’t tell taxpayers “how much” until next year. That’s so wrong.

Ley has exposed the 1.9-mile MAX light rail extension would be the most expensive rail project in the world on a “per mile” basis.

At $2 billion, it’s loaded with pork barrel spending TriMet wants Clark County citizens to pay for, including 19 new light rail vehicles. That’s 10 light rail vehicles per mile — ridiculous. The Vancouver Waterfront transit station will be 80 to 90 feet above the ground. Who will use it? Clark County voters have rejected light rail three times at the ballot box.

Ley has been battling against tolls for over a decade. Between 70 and 90 percent of Portland area voters reject tolling. There is huge opposition to tolling the Interstate 5 bridge on this side of the river, as well.

They are considering tolls of up to $9.40 per day for a round trip using the I-5 bridge. That equals $2,350 per year out of family budgets. Tolls are a hugely regressive tax, and Ley knows they must be rejected.

Vote John Ley for better representation in the 18th District. Ley is the key.

Justine Stimmel

La Center