414 results total, viewing 401 - 414
Over the past month, not only has my family had to deal with hospitalizations, wind storms and downed trees, bitter cold, bad roads, and deaths of loved ones, we’ve also had to endure … more
Here comes another money grab. The Washington State Supreme Court has failed Washingtonians, by agreeing to uphold the constitutionality of the state’s capital gains tax. This is yet … more
Americans suffer from a federal government that has shut down much of our fossil fuel industry. Elite climate hypocrites travel the world in private jets pushing their hysteria for more money while … more
Clark County residents shouldn’t pay for Oregon’s transportation projects. Yet, that is exactly what Oregon is demanding. They want expensive tolls to drive on Oregon freeways and new … more
The Reflector recently covered the closure of Grace Lodge, a women’s recovery home in Battle Ground, that is due to close on April 30. I am a small business owner, and an active community … more
I would like to respond to Carley Meuchel’s letter to the editor in the Feb. 22 edition of The Reflector. In that letter, Meuchel stated the COVID pandemic was all about control and taking … more
There are two back-to-back letters on Feb. 22 that created such a “miasma of misinformation,” specifically about COVID vaccines, that I felt the need to respond. I will limit myself and … more
Under the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution we have “the right to bear arms.” This means we, as Americans, don’t have to explain why we use or own guns. Some people find … more
The Third Congressional District is fortunate to have Marie Gluesenkamp Perez as our representative in Washington, D.C. Living in rural Skamania County, Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez understands full well … more
At the recent State of the Union address, President Joe Biden stated, “Today COVID no longer controls our lives” and “we opened our country back up.” Those statements are … more
Back when the pandemic first began, as Americans, we were willing to give everyone in D.C. the benefit of the doubt because the whole world didn’t know what we were dealing with yet. As … more
Republicans miss the mark by dismissing repeated police brutality against African Americans as evidence of a few bad apples. Only a wholesale transformation of policing in America will stem the tide … more
Voters have the right to pick whatever candidate they darn well please and for whatever reason. That being said, after watching developments in our local area, state and nation, an obvious … more
I was astounded to discover that the new congresswoman for district 3, Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, voted against HR 23, the Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act on her first day in the new … more
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